Sweet potatoes, Ipomoea batatas, are sweet starch-rich
tubers that have white to yellow, purple or orange flesh. Sweet potatoes are useful in diets because
they have a lot to offer for health. It is a nutritious food with numerous
health benefits.
Sweet potatoes have the
following nutrients for optimal health;
Vitamins A, B1, B5, B6, C, K, Niacin
Minerals: Potassium, calcium,
iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper.
Low in fat.
No cholesterol.
High in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances like
flavonoids, beta-carotene.
High in fiber.
Sweet potatoes are high in calories so they need to be
consumed in moderation when used for health. They contain complex carbohydrates
instead of simple sugars. So, despite being sweet, they help to regulate blood sugar because the
sugar is released slowly into the bloodstream. Consuming sweet potatoes helps
in the following ways;
Improve eye sight because of the high vitamin A content.
Fight inflammation.
Control blood glucose.
Maintain energy.
Boost immune system.
Improve heart health.
Aid in cancer prevention.
Prevent digestive system issues.
Fight diseases.
Because of their numerous health benefits, it is advisable
to replace yams with sweet potatoes when planning a healthy diet. Sweet potatoes are versatile in cooking. They
can be steamed, boiled, fried, baked or mashed. They are very useful for those
with diabetes, digestive and heart issues.
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