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Sunday 29 November 2015

The Many Uses of Baking Soda for Health, Hygiene, Skin and Hair.

Baking soda is a white chemical compound that is found naturally dissolved in many mineral springs.
Baking soda is an alkali with a slightly salty alkaline taste. Baking soda is also called bicarbonate of soda or sodium bicarbonate has been used for a long time for health, hygiene, skin, oral and hair purposes. Baking soda is different from baking powder, but is a component of it. Read here about the differences between baking soda and baking powder.

Baking soda is commonly sold cheaply and is used for skin, hair, health, home hygiene purposes. Even though it is cheap, baking soda is an effective natural remedy that takes care of the numerous things it is used for.

Baking soda is used for multiple cures because it increases the ability of the body to resist all infectious diseases. Baking soda regulates and neutralizes pH while it also has a buffering effect.

Health uses of baking soda.
  1. To shrink tumours especially external ones.
  2. For oral hygiene and can be used to replace toothpaste.
  3. To remove splinters.
  4. To treat indigestion and heartburn.
  5. To treat kidney issues, gout, acid reflux, ulcer pain and heartburn.
  6. To treat canker sores, flu, cold, arthritis and rheumatism.
  7. To treat skin issues like sunburn, itches, bites, stings, irritations, boils etc.
  8. To exfoliate skin and scrub the face.
  9. To neutralize gas from the tummy after eating beans.
  10. To soften and soothe the feet and hands.
  11. To treat diaper rash.

Baking soda is used to neutralize and freshen odours in.
  • Ovens.
  • Refrigerators and freezers.
  • Microwave ovens.
  • Rugs.
  • Trash and garbage cans.
  • Closets, lunch boxes.
  • Sinks and cutting boards.
  • Cars, sneakers, smelly shoes and linens.
  • Sponges, lunch boxes
  • Stuffed animals, cat box and pet bedding.
  • Mouth, body and hands.
  • Drains, sewage pipes and septic tanks.

Baking soda is used in the following ways;
  • Polish silverware, tea pots and coffee pots.
  • To remove grease and oil stains.
  • As a fire extinguisher to smother flames.
  • To clean fruits and vegetables.
  • To clean combs and brushes.
  • To remove crayon stains from walls.
  • To clean shower curtains.
  • To whiten teeth.
  • To deodorize underarms.
  • To give a brighter skin.

Baking soda is usually used to make increase body pH when the body is too acidic. Most
microorganisms thrive in a body that is acidic. This is the reason why baking soda is useful in healing. It makes the body unfavourable for infectious microbes to grow, including cancer cells. 1 teaspoon a week is usually used to reverse an acidic blood pH. it is usually dissolved in water and for healing not more than 1 teaspoon a day is recommended.

Baking soda is one ingredient that should be present in every home because of its usefulness, availability and cheapness. It is 100% pure, natural and safe. you can use to replace most of the cleaning agents that we usually use that contain toxic substances.

Leave your comments, feedbacks and questions below. Follow on Twitter for updates @heal2bwell.

Saturday 28 November 2015

The Real Colour and Smell of Shea Butter.

Shea butter is the fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree. Shea butter contains mainly stearic acid and oleic acid. It is also called ori, karite, kadanya etc in parts of Africa. Shea butter has
so many health and healing properties for skin, hair and scalp.

Shea butter is more commonly extracted in Africa by the people who collect the pods and extract, so most of the shea butter sold in West Africa is raw and unrefined. This is why the colour, smell and texture of shea butter vary each time you buy a new batch.

Most people wonder if the shea butter they are buying is pure, raw, adulterated or refined. Refined

shea butter will have uniform taste, texture and smell to meet the criteria set for the product. Because we have been conditioned to believe that products must always have a particular colour, taste or smell we sometimes find it confusing to know what is real.  This reasoning cannot work for natural products because the raw materials vary depending on their location. Below is how shea butter can be different in terms of colour, smell and texture. 

  • Unrefined shea butter has a slightly smoky and nutty smell. 
  • The smell of raw shea butter diminishes with time after application.
  • Refined shea butter may be treated to remove from of the smell.
  • Shea butter that has a rancid smell is not fresh and has not been kept properly.
  • The colour of raw shea butter varies, depending on the nuts used. 
  • Shea butter can be whitish, cream, gray, ivory and light to deep yellow.
  • Shea butter that has more oleic acid content is softer than the one with more stearic acid because oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid which is liquid while stearic acid is a saturated fatty acid and is more solid at room temperature.
  • Shea butter melts easily when kept under hot conditions.

So, shea butter has many colours and textures while the smell is almost the same unless rancid or very old. Raw or unrefined shea butter is the best to use if you are planning to use it for health and healing because most of the nutrients in raw shea butter is preserved during the processing. It is better to buy your shea butter in small batches because it becomes rancid with time. Store shea butter in a cool place and avoid exposing it to direct sunlight. Read here to find out more about the health benefits of shea butter.

Let's have your feedback below if you have ever used or are using shea butter. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Friday 27 November 2015

The Health Benefits of Ginger.

Ginger is the root or rhizome of the plant called Zingiber officinale, which belongs to the
Zingiberaceae family. Ginger has a lot of health benefits Ginger is used for health, skin, hair and cooking purposes.

The nutritional values and health benefits of ginger.
  • Ginger is low in carbohydrates.
  • Ginger has some dietary fiber.
  • Vitamins in ginger; folate, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, vitamin C,
  • Minerals in ginger; potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc,
  • Ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients like gingerols, shogaols, zingerones etc. Ginger has been used to treat inflammatory conditions.
  • Ginger has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and antihistamine properties.     
  • Ginger stimulates digestion.
  • Ginger stops feeling of nausea, motion sickness and stops vomiting.
  • Ginger reduces gas and bloating.
  • Ginger soothes and calms the stomach.
  • Ginger is used to treat respiratory system inflammation including throat and nasal congestion.
  • Ginger is used to find relief from arthritis and other inflammatory conditions of the joints.
  • Ginger relieves pain from headaches, body aches, menstrual cramps and menstrual cramps.
  • Ginger is used to treat acne, blemishes, spots, blisters, sunburn, pimples and other skin conditions.
  • Ginger has good anti-aging properties because of its antioxidant content.
  • Ginger stimulates hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp and is used to treat dandruff.

Ginger can be juiced or made into tea or infusions. Ginger can be used fresh, dried, pickled or
powdered. Ginger has so many uses in health and has been reported to induce cancer cell death.

Please leave your feedbacks, comments and questions below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Baking Soda, Bicarbonate of Soda and Baking Powder: Same or Different?

Many of us get confused about baking soda, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder. Some people

also believe they all refer to the same ingredient and can be used interchangeably. If you are planning to use any for health, culinary, home, hygiene, skin and hair reasons, you have to understand what each is and what each can be used for.

Baking soda is the same as bicarbonate of soda and contains only sodium bicarbonate. Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), cream of tartar and sometimes cornstarch. Both baking soda and baking powder are leavening agents but baking soda is more potent and they are different chemically because of the other ingredients added to baking soda which is a base.
Both baking soda and baking powder make foods rise but baking soda is about 4 times stronger than
baking powder. When too much of baking soda is used in cooking, it can leave a metallic taste in the finished food. This is mainly because sodium bicarbonate is a base which reacts with acids to form carbon dioxide.

Baking powder has a neutral taste while baking soda has a slightly salty, alkaline taste. Baking powder is smooth while baking soda is grainy

Baking soda is more popularly used for health, hygiene, skin and hair purposes while baking powder is more commonly used in cooking. So if you are thinking of baking, pastry etc., think more of baking powder.

Have you got anything to add or ask about baking soda and baking powder? Please do so below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Albinos Are Not Different From Anyone Else.

Albinos are individuals that are born with a congenital disorder that is characterized by a partial or
complete absence of melanin in the skin, eyes and hair. Melanin is the normal pigment that is responsible for colour. This results in white sand pale skin, white hair and pale eyes.

Albinism is quite common in Africa, where most people do not understand why two parents with no signs of albinism can have an albino baby. Many women have been driven out of their homes and many albino babies have been rejected by their fathers because of this. Some cultures believe that albinos have magical powers and are used for rituals. Some believe that they bring bad luck or come about because the mother has been unfaithful. There are so many issues of cultural and social discrimination, persecution, abuse and violence faced by albinos because of this lack of understanding.

Albinism will occur in an offspring only if the two parents carry the albino gene which is normally recessive. It only becomes dominant when the gene allele is carried by the two parents. Albinism may not have occurred for one or more generations in either or both parents, but must have occurred before.

Apart from these issues, albinos face the following two main physical challenges;
  1. Albino skin is prone to burning easily because of melanin deficiency. Melanin provides protection from sun radiation. The more the melanin present in the skin, the more the protection from the sun.
  2. Albinos have visual issues. Their eyes are sensitive to light because the iris is deficient in melanin and cannot properly protect the retina from light. This also makes albinos squint in bright light. Because the iris has little or no colour, blood vessels may show through the iris.

These physical challenges can be overcome with some of the following adjustments to lifestyle.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Reduce the time spent in bright sunlight.
  • Wear hats with wide brims that can cover your face and parts of your body.
  • Use sunscreen when you are going to be exposed to the sun for long periods of time.
  • Wear dark glasses or tinted lenses in bright light.

Here are a few facts about your chances of having an albino child.
  • Two people with albinism may not necessarily have an albino child, but the odds are very high for it.
  • When both carry albinism gene but do not have albinism, they have a 25% or one in four chance of having an albino child. The children may however carry the gene.
  • An albino parent and a parent without albinism cannot have albino children.

Being an albino should not limit you from reaching your goal. You are a normal human being with a
white colour in a world that has so many shades of skin colour anyway. And to those who persecute albinos, please stop, albinos are perfectly normal and healthy people who should be loved and accepted like anyone else. They feel the same way everyone does.

Albinism is not curable because it is not a disease but a medical condition that you have to understand and manage. It is not contagious so, don’t run away from albinos. Associating with an albino will not make you have an albino child.

Black, brown, peach, cream or white and any colour in between, we must love and celebrate ourselves.

Have you got something to add or ask? Please do so below or by email to Follow on Twitter for updates @heal2bwell.

Monday 23 November 2015

How to Get Rid of That Unsightly Beer Belly.

Beer belly, pot belly, beer gut -all mean the same. This is usually signified by accumulation of fat
around the abdominal region. Subcutaneous and visceral fats are the two types of fats that are deposited around the abdomen. Subcutaneous fat is usually deposited just under the skin while visceral or omental fat is the one deposited around the organs in the abdomen.

Pot belly is regarded as a status symbol in some societies but in reality, it is a sign of bad health, overindulgence in bad foods and a poor fitness regime.

Drinking beer contributes greatly to developing a pot belly for the following reasons;
  1. When beer is consumed, the liver focuses on burning the alcohol in order to detoxify the body instead of burning fat.
  2. Beer contains an average of 150 calories/350 ml of beer with almost no other nutritional values or benefits. Nigerian beer bottles usually come in 600ml bottles, so that is roughly 260 calories per bottle. Drinking several bottles per outing means consuming a lot of calories.
  3. Drinking beer makes the drinkers crave for foods that are high in in calories. Drinking beer is usually accompanied by eating snacks like chips, pepper soup, fried meat and chicken, pizza etc.

Having visceral or omental fats has a lot of negative implications on health  because it increases the
risk of so many diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

So, how do you get rid of visceral fat?  Though there is usually no fast track to losing fat, but you can do it with the following;
  1. Reduce your consumption of beer.
  2. Drink those with low alcoholic content, so that you can cut down on calories.
  3. Make dietary changes by eating healthier fats and carbohydrates in moderation.
  4.  Eat more foods with high fiber content.
  5. Cut out trans fats, foods with added sugars and refined grains out of your diet.
  6. A good fitness regime is very important to good health. Regular exercise comprising of aerobics and strength training helps to make belly fat disappear and make you healthier too. Doing exercises like crunches and sit-ups alone will only make your abdominal muscles stronger.

If you are thinking your big belly is a sign of how well you are enjoying life, you are so wrong. Although beer belly is seen more frequently in men, ladies have it too for these same reasons. Apart from beer and alcohol, some other beverages, overindulgence, poor nutrition and poor fitness are causes of belly fat.

Leave your comments, additions or questions below. Follow on Twitter@heal2bwell for updates.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Herbal Remedies for Prostate Enlargement.

The prostate is a walnut shaped organ that surrounds the urethra which is part of the male reproductive system. It is responsible for adding semen to sperm to enable mobility. As men grow older, the prostate also grows and becomes enlarged enough to cause discomfort from around the age of 45 to 50.

Prostate affects a lot of older men and some of the common symptoms are;
  • Frequent urination.
  • Urinary leakage or incontinence.
  • Weak urine flow.
  • Inability to empty the bladder completely.
  • Difficulty in starting a stream of urine.
  • Painful urination.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Urinary tract infections.

These symptoms are due to the fact that the prostate swells or enlarges, it constricts the urethra which
it surrounds, narrowing it and causing urinary and bladder issues. The enlargement of the prostate gland however, does not increase the risk for prostate cancer.

There are herbal remedies which can shrink the prostate back to its size, improve urine flow without interfering with sexual functions.
  1. My first recommended herbal remedy is sour sop leaf tea. Sour sop has been known to kill cancer cells, including those of the prostate. Sour sop also has anti-inflammatory properties. Make an infusion of sour sop leaves and drink a cup twice daily. Improvements are felt within two weeks.
  2. The bark decoction of the Pygeum tree or African plum tree is very effective in reducing an enlarged prostate gland. Pygeum bark contains phytosterols with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Make a decoction of some chopped bark pieces and drink a cup daily. This has been a remedy used in parts of West Africa by men for a long time. The tree is called emi or olowomefa in Yoruba, akuwa in  Igbo and kadanya in Hausa.It is also used to treat other problems of the prostate and urinary tract.
  3. Saw palmetto, called Serenoa repens, fruit extract has been used popularly to reduce the size of enlarged prostate. Saw palmetto extract is said to promote effective hormone metabolism and prevents the production of the hormones that boost prostate enlargement. Saw palmetto can also boost sexual activity, reduce impotence and protect against prostate cancer. The fruits are rich in sterols which are antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Stinging nettle root (Urtica dioica). Make an infusion of 1 teaspoon ground root to 1 cup hot water. Allow to step for about 1 minutes and drink 2-3 times a day. Stinging nettle root has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.
  5. Apple cider vinegar has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, astringent and so many properties that make it ideal for shrinking enlarged prostate glands. Drink 1-2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar mixed with a cup of water 2 times daily.
  6. Corn silk has a lot of healing properties. It has astringent, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is an effective remedy for conditions of the prostate gland. Read here for more of the amazing benefits of corn silk tea. Infuse a tablespoon of chopped corn silk strands in a cup of water, allow steeping for 15 minutes, strain and drink 2-3 cups daily.

There are so many herbal remedies which can take care of inflammation and enlargement that will help you to resolve prostate gland issues. Our dear gentlemen, please don’t suffer in silence, believing that ordinary prostate enlargement has no cure except surgery and some other complicated procedures. Healthy lifestyle changes, a good fitness plan, healthy meals and herbs that are anti-inflammatory will surely help you to shrink your prostate gland back to normal, which is all you need. Read more about anti-inflammatory herbs and foods here. So many men over 50 are experiencing this, so you are not alone. There is nothing like being your natural self.

Other common ingredients are tomato juice, pumpkin seeds, garlic, Indian gooseberries (amla) and South African star grass.

If you have, or someone you know has used any herbal remedy to alleviate the symptoms of enlarged prostate effectively, please share below or by email to Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Friday 20 November 2015

The Real Colour and Flavour of Honey.

Honey is a sweet liquid that is made naturally from nectar that is converted to sugar by honey bees. Honey is made in all parts of the world and is one of nature’s natural sweeteners. A lot of us wonder if what we are buying and using is real honey because the honey looks and taste different each time. The honey you buy another time will always be different if it is natural, unfiltered and unprocessed. Below are some reasons for the differences you see in honey.

  • Honey has so many variations in colour, flavour and texture because the nectar used is usually from many floral sources.
  • Just like flowers have different colours, aromas and tastes, so also will the nectar and honey be different.
  • The honey produced in a beehive differs from season to season, so no two honeys will ever look, feel or taste the same.
  • The time of year, temperature, climate and other climatic factors all contribute to the honey that is produced each time.
  • Honey has various colours from light, water light, light amber, amber, light orange, brown, dark brown and so many shades in between. Honey has no specific colour even when they are from the same beehive but at different times. The colour usually indicates how concentrated the flavour is.
  • Honey has so many flavours and can be fruity, spicy, aromatic, fragrant and medicinal with some having a slightly bitter aftertaste. So honey does not have a specific taste.
  • Some types of honey are light in consistency while some are thicker. This is because bees usually reduce the moisture content of the nectar to less than 18% when producing honey. This can vary between beehives.
  • Some types of honey form granules after some time due to the fact that the glucose content crystallizes, forming granules which settle at the bottom of the container. The more the glucose content, the more the granules.

Honey is usually made up of fructose, glucose, other saccharides in small quantities, water, vitamins,
minerals, proteins, enzymes and pollen but no cholesterol or sodium. The combination of these contents varies from honey to honey. However, this does not change the quality or taste of the honey.

Some vendors sell caramel syrup and pass it off as honey because this is cheaper and can be made in large quantities. Caramel is usually made by heating sugar granules in a container over heat until it melts and becomes brown. If you love honey, it’s better to have a reliable seller in Nigeria.

Let’s hear from you below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell.

Why Garri Consumption Is Beneficial to Your Health.

Garri is made from Cassava. Cassava originated from South America and has since spread to Africa, Asia and other parts of the world. It is a popular source of carbohydrate for millions of people living in Africa, South America and Asia.  

Garri is a popular food in West Africa and it is the product made by grating cassava, fermenting the
grated cassava and then roasting the flakes over fire in big pots to dry them.  Garri is eaten soaked in water, made into eba, a paste made by mixing garri flakes with hot water or mixed with stew or beans.

Garri has a lot of benefits to offer your health because it contains almost all the nutrients in cassava that it is made from. This is due to the processing method which is minimal. Red palm oil is also added to some during roasting to give a yellow colour and the added health benefits of palm oil. Garri paste is usually eaten with soups made with palm oil, vegetables, meats, fish, peppers, onions, spices etc.

To understand the health is to know about the nutritional content and values of cassava which are below;
  • Cassava contains dietary fiber helps to lower blood pressure, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and regulates blood sugar levels so it can help to manage diabetes and obesity. 1 cup of cassava has 3.7g of fiber which is 0% of the dietary intake needed.
  • Cassava is high in vitamins C and E which are powerful antioxidant that offer the body a lot of protection against many diseases. Cassava contains folate which reduces the risk of colon cancer and promotes healthy pregnancies. Other vitamins in the B group that are present in cassava are thiamin, riboflaxin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine.
  • Cassava is rich in potassium, magnesium and copper. Potassium helps to regulate heart rate and lower blood pressure. Magnesium lowers blood pressure and the pressure in the eyes. Copper promotes healthy functioning of the nerves. Other minerals in cassava are zinc, iron and manganese. Cassava is low in sodium.
  • Although cassava is high in carbohydrates, it contains mostly complex carbohydrates and is gluten free.

A cup of cassava is 206g gives the following;
  • 330 calories, most of which is from proteins and no cholesterol.
  • 42mg vitamin C which is 70% of the recommended daily intake.
  • 42 mg vitamin E which is 56% of the recommended daily intake.
  • 56mg folate which is 14% of the recommended daily intake.
  • 558mg potassium which is 6% of the recommended daily intake.
  • 206 micrograms of copper which is 23% of the recommended daily intake.
  • 0.8mg of manganese which is about 35% of the recommended daily intake.

Garri can provide a lot of energy  and so, for those trying to lose weight or are dealing with diabetes,
it is advisable to eat garri or cassava products in moderation and eat with a lot of vegetables and fruits in order to increase the nutritional values. It is also better to eat garri in the afternoon which is the best time to eat our largest meals and hard to digest foods.

Garri and some other Nigerian starchy staples have been touted as being unhealthy but garri has a lot to offer and it is healthier than refined grains and cereals. You just have to understand how best to eat it.

If you have you got something to add or ask about garri?, please do below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Why Your Body Needs Chromium.

Chromium is an essential trace mineral that the body needs in small amounts for proper functioning.
Chromium is present in all food groups, some herbs and spices. It is called an essential mineral because the body cannot produce it, so it must be provided by what we consume to avoid having a deficiency of it. Deficiency in chromium leads to the body being vulnerable to many health issues.

Health benefits of chromium.
  1. Chromium is needed for the effective metabolism of the three macronutrients; carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  2. Chromium is important component of energy production.
  3. Chromium regulates blood sugar, it is important in treating diabetes and managing weight.
  4. Chromium reduces cravings for sweet foods and carbohydrates.
  5. Chromium stops mood swings.
  6. Chromium enhances insulin sensitivity which helps in balancing blood sugar levels.
  7. Chromium increases good cholesterol levels in the blood and decrease triglycerides.

When the body is insensitive to insulin, it will not be effective in balancing blood sugar levels and
this means that food will be stored as fat instead of being used as fuel for the body to use.

It is easy to avoid chromium deficiency by eating foods which contain it. Whole grains, potatoes, broccoli, seafood, brown rice, onions, tomatoes, brewer’s yeast, grapes, fresh vegetables, black pepper and meats.

Whole grains, rice and a lot of naturally sweet foods contain chromium because nature understood that these foods need chromium to be properly metabolized. Unfortunately the chromium content is lost during the refining of grains and even during sugar production from sugarcane.

A lot of chronic illnesses can be traced to the way food has been processed. A lot of the vital nutrients we need have been lost or removed while those that we do not need are added. We need to eat more of wholesome foods if we want to live better.

We would appreciate feedbacks, comments and questions from you below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

The Benefits of Beetroots for Health.

Beetroots are the edible crimson red roots of the plant called Beta vulgaris and they are commonly
called beets. The deep red colour in natural plants and fruits signifies the presence of anthocyanins which are believed to protect against heart disease and prevent the formation of blood clots. They also reduce the effectsof aging and delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. This is responsible for some of the health benefits of beets. Beets contain betalains which are also responsible for the colour.
Active components and properties of beetroots.
  1. Carbohydrates which provide energy.
  2. Proteins. Beets are high in glutamine which is an essential amino acid.
  3. Soluble fiber which help to reduce blood cholesterol.
  4. Rich in vitamins like C, A, B, B5, B66.
  5. Minerals like iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.
  6. Betacyanins are antioxidants which prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol and prevent them from sticking to artery walls. This helps to prevent the formation of plaque. Beets are also sources of flavonoids and other antioxidants.
  7. Low in calories.
  8. Low to medium glycemic index.
  9. Low in fats and contains no cholesterol.

The health benefits of beetroots.
  1. Lower blood pressure and are good for promoting heart health. Drink 1 cup twice daily to regulate blood pressure.
  2. Lower cholesterol levels and so reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
  3. Regulate blood sugar levels because it is low in glycemic index.
  4. Treat anaemia because of its high iron content.
  5. Help to improve blood circulation.
  6. Promote liver health because betaines stimulate liver functions.
  7. Help to prevent the formation of cataracts and other eye diseases because of the beta-carotene content.
  8. Help to prevent respiratory issues because of the high content of vitamin C.
  9. Help to prevent boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells.

Regular consumption of beetroot may cause red coloured urine and stools upon regular consumption.

Beetroots can be eaten raw in salads, juiced, steamed or pickled. However, heat affects betalains so it is best to eat beets raw or limit the time of steaming to less than 15 minutes or when roasted, for less than an hour.

Natural foods contain so many phytonutrients and when they eaten in their natural raw forms, provide a lot of micronutrients which are important for normal functions of the body.

Let’s have your say below or by email to Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Effective Home Remedies For Underarm Odours.

If you have ever been in close contact with someone with a nasty underarm odour, then you will understand how stinky this can be and it doesn’t have to be so. An unpleasant odour from the armpits or underarms happens when bacteria that cause odours grow in the armpits which are always moist or wet. This may be caused by poor hygiene, heat, hormonal changes, poor diets etc.  It is often difficult to tell people that they have a nasty odour.

Many individuals refuse to use deodorants and antiperspirants for one reason or the other. If you have
chosen not to use products with chemicals, there are many cheap home remedies you can use to stop underarm odours.
  1. Baking soda gets rid of bad odours generally. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water or lemon juice. Apply to the armpits and leave for about 15 minutes, then wash off.
  2. Apple cider vinegar is wonderful for odours generally because it kills bacteria, restores the pH of the body and kills odour. Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 100ml water. Wet a cotton ball with this solution and use to wipe the underarms twice daily. Ordinary white vinegar can also work.
  3. Alum is a good natural deodorant because of its astringent and anti-microbial properties. Wet a piece of alum and apply on the armpits. You can leave it overnight on or wash off.
  4. Lemon or lime juices are acidic and help to kill the bacteria. They also balance the pH of the skin and are astringents. Juice a lemon or lime, apply to the arm with a cotton ball and leave on. You may also slice a lime or lemon and apply to the underarms. Leave for about 15 minutes and then wash off or leave on.
  5. Tomato juice is a bit acidic and will help to kill bacteria. Squeeze the juice out of some tomatoes and apply to your armpits.
  6. Alcohol is astringent and will kill bacteria. It will also reduce sweating. Apply some alcohol with a cotton ball.

Other home remedies are;
  • Witch hazel leaf juice.
  • Cornstarch.
  • Tea tree oil.
  • Rosemary leaf juice.
  • Epsom salt.
  • Salt.

Making improvements in personal hygiene can help greatly. Scrub your armpits properly during your shower and dry well afterwards. It also helps to shave the hair because hair can trap moisture and promote bacterial growth. Getting rid of bad odours on any part of the body is easy if you are aware that you have it and apply appropriate efforts into getting rid of it.

Let’s have your recipes, tips and feedbacks below or by email to Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell.

The Benefits of Pawpaw Leaves for Health, Skin, Hair and Eyes.

The pawpaw tree is botanically called Carica papaya and more commonly called papaya. Different
parts of the pawpaw tree have benefits for health including the leaves which are high in different phytonutrients.

Pawpaw leaves contain over 50 active components which have healing properties. Pawpaw leaves have the following nutrients;
  • Vitamins A, C, D, E and some B vitamins.
  • Minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium manganese and sodium.
  • Some carbohydrates and proteins.

Pawpaw leaves also contain papain, chymopapain, carpaine, amylase, alkaloids, phenols and so many
other active components. They have antimicrobial antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal), antiparasitic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Pawpaw leaves benefits for health.
  1. They are used to treat malaria, typhoid and dengue fevers because of their antimicrobial properties.
  2. They are used to reduce fevers.
  3. They are used to expel intestinal worms.
  4. They are used to reduce inflammation of the intestinal tract.
  5. They can kill cancer cells without any toxicity to the human body.
  6. They can boost the immune system.
  7. They boost appetite and aid digestion.
  8. They prevent heartburn and indigestion.
  9. They are used for relieving menstrual cramps.
  10. They can help to balance blood sugar and treat diabetes.

Pawpaw leaves have a lot of benefits for hair. They can promote hair health and boost hair growth because they strengthen hair and prevent breakages. They can prevent dandruff, psoriasis and other scalp conditions.

Pawpaw leaves promote skin health by cleansing the skin, removing toxins and preventing infections. It promotes wound healing. They are used to treat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, itching, pimples, acne, blemishes etc.

The juice from pawpaw leaves can also be used to prevent cataracts. Simply drop some juice on the eyes.

Pawpaw leaves are juiced fresh or dried leaves are boiled in water to make an infusion or tea. The juice or infusion can be drunk internally or applied on the skin and hair.

Pawpaw trees grow abundantly in West Africa and most of us don’t even know about the fantastic health properties of this common tree. Pawpaw leaves, fruits and seeds have so much to offer. Read here about the wonderful benefits of pawpaw seeds.

Share your recipes or tips below or by email to Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Squats Are Great For Burning Fats And Losing Weight.

A squat position is to crouch or sit with the knees bent so that they rest on or near the heels. Squats are a bit difficult to do but help with building muscles, reducing fat and losing weight because of their high impact on the body. Here are some benefits of doing squats for fitness.
  • Squats improve your body circulation.
  • They help you burn fat while building muscles.
  • They help you lose weight because you burn a lot of calories.
  • They help to strengthen your knees and bones.
  • They improve your flexibility and balance.
  • They help you build strength and endurance.

You do not need any equipment or kits to perform squats. You can perform them anytime and you may not spend too much time on it. So it is ideal for those who do not have a lot of time to spare.
Performing squats regularly targets the thighs, calves, lower back, abdomen, arms and obliques. And ladies squats tone and shape your butts nicely.
Most of us who schooled in Nigeria are already familiar with squats. They are usually called ride a
bike, okada and bere dide, they have been used and are still being used as punishment by teachers and school seniors. Some people also squat to relieve themselves especially those with no toilets or with pit toilets. Some cultures also squat to do some chores. So, squats are what we have already done and can do again.

Regular exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. Squats, aerobics and other exercises can add to your fitness and improve your health. You can go further by doing a 30 day squat challenge or lessor more if you wish. Just get moving.

Leave your comments below please. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Our Traditional Foods Are Perfect For Good Health.

In every culture of the world, people ate traditional foods that had been processed minimally or
through natural processing methods like drying, fermentation and cooking. Nowadays, debilitating illnesses have risen because we have deviated from eating natural foods and naturally processed foods.

In Nigeria, we have a lot of healthy meals but there has been a recent rise in diseases like diabetes, heart and cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease, arthritis and other diseases from inflammation. I believe that it is time for us to look at what we are eating

Most of our swallows or meals are made by grinding, fermenting, drying, boiling or other natural preservation and simple cooking processes which help to preserve the nutrients. Although they have high carbohydrate content, they also come with a lot of micronutrients which add to health. Some examples are:
  1. Gari is made `by fermenting grated cassava tubers and then roasting in pans or pots on fire. Though gari has a high amount of carbohydrates, it is also high in fiber. Most of the nutrients in gari are preserved while fermentation adds added benefits. Fufu and white amala are also made from cassava.
  2. Eko, agidi, akamu, ogi, corn pap and other cereal grains pap are made by fermenting milled grains for a few days. Fermented foods are beneficial to the body because they provide probiotic organisms to the digestive system.
  3. Tuwo refers to grain meals which are made from ground cereal and are made into a paste by mixing with hot water on the fire. Others are ground oats, millets, wheat and sorghum.
  4. Pounded swallows are made by pounding boiled tubers like yam, cassava, plantain and cocoyam. Brown amala is made from grinding dried yam pieces or slices.

Our swallows are most often eaten with soups that are rich in palm oil, hot peppers, tomatoes,
crayfish, iru or dawadawa or ogiri, meat sources, fish, vegetables, spices etc. Some of our local soups are made with two or more vegetables. All these ingredients are in their raw natural forms and some flavours have only been fermented or dried.

Foods made from beans like moinmoin, akara, ofuloju etc have only
been processed minimally have most of the nutrients from beans to offer. We also have plantain,other tubers and their products.

The only problems with our traditional meals are:
  1. The timing of eating foods with high carbohydrates. Our largest meals should be in the afternoon. Dinner should be before 7pm and should be made up of light and small foods.
  2. The quantity eaten at one seating. Eat foods that are high in carbohydras in moderation.
  3. The accompanying soup or stew. Even though palm oil is healthy, it is still high in calories, so use in moderation. Eat a lot of the vegetables and cut down on the quantity of meat. 
  4. The non-inclusion of fruits to our meals. Fruits provide bulk, fiber and phytonutrients which help to keep us healthy and fight diseases. including can also help in reducing the amounts of starchy foods eaten at a meal.

The main health problems arising from foods are from our increased consumption of refined grains,
added sugars and trans fats. Below are some examples of these foods and why you will need to cut down on, or avoid these foods for health reasons:
  1. Refined grains like white rice, white flour and foods made from it such as doughnuts, pastry, cakes, cookies, biscuits, puff puff, buns, etc. Read here why brown or unrefined rice like our local ofada rice should be preferred to white rice and here about bulghur  wheat as a white rice substitute.
  2. Foods with added sugars like soft drinks, juices, sweets, candies etc. Read more here about the real carbohydrates to avoid.
  3. Foods with trans fats are pastries, cakes, cookies etc. You can read more about why you need to reduce consumption of trans fats and their products here.

We are eating more of the wrong foods and our local foods are being blamed for it, so we run away from our perfectly healthy foods into eating totally worthless foods with no beneficial values for our bodies. 

A lot of researches and studies have shown that all sorts of debilitating diseases usually follow the introduction of white flour other refined grains, added sugar and trans fats into communities. Just compare us to our rural relatives. We consider them emaciated because they look lean and we look bulky. Please they are much healthier because they are eating the right foods and doing the right things which keep them in better health. We are spending millions of naira and so much time on diseases like unnecessary weight gain, inflammation, diabetes etc., which the right foods and lifestyles can prevent.

We need to eat more of the foods our forefathers ate. Its not just the so called junk food that is affecting us but also the ones that we assume are healthy just because of their aesthetic appeal in terms of good looks, taste, texture and feel.

We appreciate good comments, questions and feedbacks below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Friday 13 November 2015

Healing Takes Time So, Be Patient!

Time heals, they say. This is also true for chronic pain and diseases. Diseases are body imbalances while healing is a natural process which like most natural processes, takes time to work. Healing or reversing chronic diseases may take months or even years before the body can return its normal state.

People are often discouraged when they do not see a quick change in their conditions because most of us want immediate cures. This is why we turn to products or drugs which offer instant relief but are in reality, just masking the presenting symptoms. As soon as the effects of these medications wear off, the symptoms reappear and you may have to continue taking these medications for your lifetime or a very long time. This is how to know you are not getting healed.

True healing will return the body to its normal healthy state, but it takes a while. You must remember
that most chronic illnesses become apparent after years of festering in the body. Oxidative stress, inflammation, improper nutrition and other unhealthy lifestyle choices are most often involved in most chronic illnesses. All these factors cause damages to our body cells which cannot be reversed quickly.

The root cause of a disease must be treated and removed for healing to occur on a deeper level. You
must understand and be focused on removing the factors that contributed to the development of your chronic disease so that they stop to cause further damage to your body.

Drugs help to relieve your symptoms but proper nutrition, regular exercise and opting for healthier lifestyle choices will definitely put you on the track to healing and enjoying your body as you should.

Let’s hear about your healing experiences below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Does Kombucha Tea Have Health Benefits?

Kombucha is a fermented beverage made from fermenting tea and sugar with a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast called SCOBY.
Kombucha tea gained popularity briefly in Nigeria in the 1980s when people made and used it for so many health issues. It has since disappeared and I have not heard of anybody using it again, though I am sure some people will still be using it. I still wonder why people lost interest in using it after a while.
Kambucha tea is still used popularly in other parts of the world and users have claimed that is has a lot of healing properties like these below and some more:
  1. Treat and prevent cancer.
  2. Promote digestive health.
  3. Detoxification.
  4. Boost the immune system.
  5. Reduce inflammation.
  6. Boost energy levels.

Kombucha tea was and is still traditionally made at home but it is also produced and bottled for commercial sale. Kombucha like many fermented foods contain microbial cultures that promote digestive health because of the probiotic microbes present. It is low in sugar, rich in enzymes and contains B vitamins, antioxidants and glucosamines.
Kombucha has a fizzy sour taste and tastes a bit like apple vinegar. This is because the yeast converts sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas while the bacteria then turn the alcohol into acids.
Apart from some research carried out in Russia and Germany early in the twentieth century, there has not been much done because those who can fund researches cannot gain from validating its health benefits since there will be no financial rewards.
I did not hear of anybody having died from using kombucha tea in those days. People probably stopped using it because they did not get the quick results or miracles they expected. I know that many had reservations about using it after a while because of the rate at which the microbial colony grew and there was limited access to information then.
Let's hear from you! If you use kombucha tea or have used it and have benefitted from it or you know anybody who does, please share below or by email to Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Remove Dark Circles Under The Eyes With Gentle Treatments.

Dark circles under the eyes say a lot about your health and lifestyle. Developing dark circles under
the eyes may be hereditary or occur as a result of factors like aging, stress, alcohol or drug abuse, pollution, allergies, lack of sleep, improper diet and other conditions which may put the body under stress. Some individuals have them naturally. Dark circles affect appearance and can make you look older, sick or worn out.

There are cream and lotions that are available to treat dark circles but it is better to use natural home remedies which may be milder on the skin around the eyes because it is quite sensitive and tender. Removing dark circles effectively involves using ingredients which will nourish, refresh, lighten and rejuvenate the sensitive skin around the eyes. Natural products are usually gentle and also have a lot of nutrients and antioxidants which can boost skin health. The following natural ingredients can do one or more of what you need to take care of your dark circles;

  1. Cucumber can be used in a number of ways to refresh and rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. Slice or grate some cucumber and chill in the refrigerator. Place the slices or paste on the affected areas for about 15 minutes. Do this twice daily. You can also grate some cucumber, squeeze out the juice and chill. Soak cotton pads with the juice and put on the affected areas.
  2. Potato juice or paste can be prepared and used like the cucumber. Potato will lighten and refresh the skin.
  3. Tomato juice will lighten the skin as well as make it supple and soft. Chill some tomato juice and apply with cotton balls or pads and leave for about 15 minutes.
  4. Lemon juice, lime juice and orange juice work in the same way as tomatoes.
  5. Vitamin C or fruits that have a high content of vitamin C will also refresh, lighten and rejuvenate under eye skin.
  6. Rose water will tone, freshen, soothen, lighten and rejuvenate the skin. Apply some with some cotton balls or pad.
  7. Cold water is one of the most effective remedies for tired eyes and the skin around them. Dab some cold water on your face or soak a small towel with cold water and place over your face, covering your eyes.
  8. Natural oils like almond oil and coconut oil can be massaged around the eyes. They are rich in vitamins and minerals which can rejuvenate the skin and prevent the signs of aging.

You can avoid dark circles by changing some lifestyle habits. It is very important to remove the conditions that cause stress. Good sleep patterns, good nutrition and using good natural products for the skin all contribute to the health of your skin and your general health.

Leave your feedback, comments and questions below or send by email to Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Home Remedies For Low Blood Pressure.

Low blood pressure is called hypotension and is a condition in which a person’s blood pressure becomes so low that it causes symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, tiredness, confusion, fainting, blurred vision, breathing with difficulty etc. A normal blood pressure reading is usually lower than 120/80 mm Hg but when it is around 90/60 mm Hg or lower consistently, it is considered low. Like hypertension, hypotension may be dangerous to your health.

Hypotension is usually caused by conditions such as dehydration, inadequate nutrition, anaemia, reduced blood volume, decrease in blood volume, medications that are used to treat high blood pressure, heart conditions, pregnancy, endocrine disorders and some neurological issues. Mild hypotension may not need any treatment.

Hypotension is a condition you will need your doctor to manage for you because it has many causes
but here are some home remedies and natural ways which can help to reduce the symptoms.
  1. Drink a lot of water and other fluids.
  2. Increase consumption of salt because of its sodium content which increases blood pressure. Remember that you are advised to cut down salt consumption when treating hypertension for this same reason. You may also drink 1 cup of water mixed with ½ teaspoon salt once daily.
  3. Drink some sports drinks because they contain electrolytes which regulate blood pressure.
  4. Drink coconut juice because it contains electrolytes which regulate blood pressure.
  5. Lemon juice mixed with some salt and sugar once a day.
  6. Coffee increases blood pressure because of the caffeine.
  7. Basil leaf or the juice contains magnesium and potassium which help to regulate blood pressure. Squeeze some basil juice from the leaves and drink half a cup twice daily. You may add a pinch of salt.
  8. Beetroot juice regulates blood pressure. A cup twice daily helps in regulating blood pressure.
  9. Raisins can help too. Soak about 20 raisins overnight and eat first in the morning.
  10. Raising your legs above heart level helps to return blood flow back to the heart and brain.

Avoid staying still or lying down for long periods. Healthy lifestyle choices can prevent or reduce the occurrence of diseases and also help in healing.

Share your comments and opinions below or by email to Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.