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Monday 29 August 2016

Asthma Plant/Weed Treats More Than Asthma.

Image result for euphorbia hirta picturesAsthma plant is a hairy plant that has many branches from the bottom to the top of its slender stem. Although it is commonly regarded as a weed because of its invasive nature, it is widely used for medicine in many tropical regions that it grows in. It is known botanically as Euphorbia hirta and in English as wart weed, asthma weed, eczema plant, milk weed. It is called by many local names wherever it is found. In Nigeria, it is known by names such as emi-ile, asin uloko, ogwu ugwa, ba-ala, akun osan, enda myet and egele in different areas.

Asthma plant is easily recognized by the milky juice it exudes when any part of it is broken. The milky sap is toxic and is used as an arrow poison ingredient. The plant can grow up to two feet in height and has many flowers. It bears flowers and fruits at all times.

Image result for euphorbia hirta picturesAsthma plant is used medicinally in many parts of the world because it contains a lot of phytonutrients or active components which are responsible  for its medicinal benefits. Some identified phytonutrients in asthma plant are tannins, phenols, alkaloids, alkenes, sterols, choline, glycosides, etc.

Euphorbia hirta has many properties including the following ;
    Image result for euphorbia hirta pictures
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-microbial
  • Hypotensive
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Anthelminthic
  • Analgesic
  • Antimalarial
  • Sedative
  • Diuretic
Image result for euphorbia hirta picturesAll parts of Euphorbia hirta plant are used and some of the ways they are used are;
    Image result for euphorbia hirta pictures
  1. To treat skin issues such as eczema, boils, acne, warts, moles, itches, tumours, etc.
  2. To treat respiratory ailments such as asthma, cough, bronchitis, hay fever, etc
  3. To treat wounds, cuts, bites, stings, bruises, etc.
  4. To treat female disorders
  5. To treat worm infestations
  6. To treat digestive issues
  7. To lower blood pressure
  8. To treat conjunctivitis
  9. To reduce fever
  10. To promote urine flow
  11. As tonic
  12. To increase milk flow in lactating mothers

It is called asthma weed or plant because it is effective for treating asthma and most respiratory issues due to the fact that it relaxes bronchial tubes and makes breathing easier. This plant grows and thrives anywhere in tropical regions.

The parts can be used fresh or dried. The latex is usually used topically because of its toxicity which is destroyed by heat.

Leave your comment, feedback or question below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Why Is Omidun Used For Herbal Preparations?

Omidun in Yoruba language is the name given to the sour liquid left from soaked, fermented and milled corn. It is also called omikan or okan-ogi. In other words, omidun is the supernatant solvent left after sieving milled and fermented corn.

Omidun is popularly used in South West Nigeria as a solvent for herbal extractions and preparations. It is also used to control diarrhea because of its anti-microbial properties especially against Escherichia coli which is a type of bacteria that normally live in the intestines of people and animals and can cause intestinal infection. Some symptoms of intestinal infection produced by E coli include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. 

Image result for fermented corn water pictures
Omidun is also widely used as the solvent to prepare mixtures for malaria and typhoid fevers.

Though it may be hard to understand why omidun is a popular solvent  choice amongst Yoruba people, it has a nice sour taste which may improve the taste of some herbs.
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If you know more about why omidun is used, please let us know below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell.

Monday 22 August 2016

A Few Facts About Delicious Monkey Kola.

Monkey kola is the name given to some uncommon Cola species which are native to West and Central Africa. It is called achicha, ochicha or ochiricha in Igbo.

Image result for monkey kola picturesImage result for monkey kola pictures
    Image result for monkey kola pictures
  • Monkey Kola grows more in the wild but can also be found around villages or homes.
  • Monkey kola fruits have an edible pulp that can be yellow, white or red.
  • Monkey kola pulps are crunchy with varying sweetness.
  • Monkey kola with yellow pulp is called Cola parchycarpa and is the most common type.
  • Monkey kola with white pulp is called Cola lepidota.
  • Monkey kola with red pulp is called Cola lateritia and is the least common.
  • Monkey kola is low in calories, only having 65 calories per 100g.
  • The fruits are available from around June to November.
  • Monkey kola fruits are highly nutritious. They are rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber. They contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and sodium. They contain vitamin A, C and some B vitamins.

Image result for monkey kola picturesThe fruits are eaten but the leaves are used in traditional medicine to treat eye infections while the stem bark is used for oral hygiene and to treat tooth ache.
Although monkey kola is a scarce snack, it is highly nutritious, filling and delicious.

If you know more about monkey kola, please share below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell.