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Sunday 27 December 2015

Is It Okay To Stare At Lighted Screens In The Dark?

We have all been told at one time or another not to read books or other printed material in the dark. These days most people read and watch images in the dark from the screens of devices like laptops, TV, iPad, iPhone, tablet computers, android phones, computers and other devices with light on their screens. Hand-held devices are held close to the face in the darkness when used sometimes and some people are concerned if this is okay or not, and if there will be long-term effects of this action.
When the eyes are going to be used in a place that is dark or with limited light, the eyes will dilate
more. When you reading from a screen or watching on a screen, there is always a change in the light being emitted from the screen when you actions like flipping, commercial breaks, going back on your screen, going to a new page, changing channels, etc. This results in the eyes working harder to adjust to the constantly changing levels of light being emitted. The eyes muscles are just like other muscles in the body and will get tired from working hard. This will result in headaches, sore eyes, tired eyes, teary eyes, eye fatigue, blurred vision, eyestrain etc.

While there is no research that says that staring at screens in the darkness can damage your eyesight or have negative effects on your sight, it is better to do things more safely for better health over time. Read on your lighted devices or watch TV and other screens with a secondary source of ambient light. The secondary light source may be dim or soft, but this will definitely reduce some of the stress on your eyes by not making the changes in emitted light from your device obvious.

Hand-held computer devices came into popularity in the 2000 with the first iPhone out in 2008 and iPad in 2010. Nobody can tell you about what long-term effects that can occur due to using them in the dark. Who knows what the outcomes may be in the next 10, 15, 20 years or further down in future?

Add your comments and leave your questions below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Saturday 26 December 2015

20 Uses Of Kola Nuts For Health.

The kola nut plant is a tree that is indigenous to West Africa and used to be an important cash crop.
The highly prized seeds are called kola nuts locally in different places as obi, goro and botanically, Cola nitida.

Kola nuts have a slightly bitter taste and are popularly eaten in West Africa because of the fact that they are used;
  • In traditional ceremonies.
  • To suppress hunger.
  • As stimulants.

Kola nuts are useful for health because they contain nutrients which are beneficial to the body.
Nutritionally, kola nuts contain riboflavin, niacin, some carbohydrates, fiber, proteins and low calories. Kola nuts are rich in caffeine, theobromine and kolanin, which act as stimulants. They also contain phytoestrogens and phytoandrogens.

Some health benefits of kola nuts
  1. They have astringent properties which makes them useful in dressing wounds.
  2. They suppress hunger and quench thirst.
  3. They improve digestion because they increase gastric acid production
  4. They are used to boost respiratory health and treat respiratory issues because caffeine is a bronchodilator.
  5. They increase blood flow to the head and are used to relieve headaches because caffeine and theobromine are cerebral vasodilators.
  6. They boost the immune system.
  7. They boost metabolism.
  8. They boost cognition.
  9. They increase energy levels.
  10. They have a mildly diuretic effect.
  11. They enhance performance.
  12. They are used as anti-depressants because theobromine gives a sense of well-being.
  13. They boost oxygenation to some parts of the body.
  14. They are used to reduce bloating, cramping, constipation and some other digestive tract issues.
  15. They are used to boost weight loss efforts because of their ability to increase metabolism.
  16. They are used for keeping awake.
  17. They are used to increase physical and mental awareness.
  18. They are used as aphrodisiacs and to enhance male potency.
  19. They help to reduce muscular pain after exercise or vigorous activity because of the caffeine content.
  20. They can reduce the risk of gallstones and kidney stones.

Kola nuts are simply eaten raw or they are grated and boiled in water. On a larger scale, kola nuts are to flavour drinks, are used as components of energy drinks and performance enhancer tonics. Kola nuts were used in cola drinks before as a caffeine source.

It is advisable to desist from consuming a lot of kola nuts because they may give adverse effects like insomnia, irregular heartbeat, tremors, stomach upsets, restlessness, etc., because of the high content of stimulants. They also discolour teeth and may increase the symptoms of gastric ulcer in those dealing with it because of their ability to increase the production of gastric acid.

Thursday 24 December 2015

You Don’t Need To Prepare A Large Amount Of Herbals At Once.

It is always nice to remember that we are neither chemists nor pharmacists when preparing our herbal remedies at home. We are only doing it ourselves and not really making to vend, so why make so much at once?

Most herbal preparations are made from raw plant or botanical  materials which are susceptible to rapid degradation if not preserved.  The biggest issue faced by those who make their preparations at home is the shelf life, so when you decide to make herbal preparations by yourself, it is definitely better to make enough to use for a short time to avoid spoilage.

The solvent used to extract the active ingredients in herbal materials can also act as a preservative which can add to the shelf life. They are usually extracted in solvents like water, oils, vinegar, glycerin, honey and alcohol.

Water-based extracts

Those extracted in water are usually called teas, infusions and decoctions. Water increases the moisture content of your herbs which is a factor that favours the growth of microbes. These are the ones with the shortest shelf life unless they are preserved with preservatives which may not be desirable for inclusion. Teas are best for one time use and any remnants are best for refrigeration or heating up later. Heating or refrigeration is best for teas, infusions and decoctions.

Other solvents

Alcohol is a good solvent for extraction and preservation. Herbal preparations that are extracted in alcohol are usually called tinctures. Herbs that are made with alcohol have the longest shelf life, followed by those made with vinegar and glycerin. Those that are prepared with honey have a longer shelf life than those with water.

Other materials you should definitely make a small amount at a time are;
  • Juices.
  • Soaps.
  • Conditioners.
  • Balms.
  • Salves.
  • Lotions.

Make small batches of herbal preparations no matter what the solvent is, and keep the remaining raw materials for making another batch if you have a lot available. 

Let's have your comment or question or feedback below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Five African Mucilaginous Foods That Heal.

Mucilage is a type of fiber of viscous or slimy nature. Africans have always loved and eaten mucilaginous foods with starchy pastes with the most common one being okra. They are usually prepared into soups called draw soups in Nigeria. Below are five highly mucilaginous vegetables that constitute a big part of a typical Nigerian diet;
  1. Okra called Abelmoscus esculenta, ila, lady fingers, etc. Read more about the health benefits of okra here.
  2. Jute leaves called orchorus olitorius, ewedu, Jew mallow, saluyot, rama, ahihiara, etc. Read more about the health benefits of jute leaves here.
  3. African mango seeds called Irvingia gabonensis, ogbono, apon, dika, etc. Read more about the health benefits African mango seeds here.
  4. Water leaf called Talinum triangulare, gbure, etc. Read more about the health benefits of water leaf here.
  5. Malabar spinach called Basella alba, amunututu, toromoganna, etc. Read more about the health benefits of Malabar spinach here.

Mucilage produces slime that soothes the intestinal wall and makes stools slippery, allowing smooth

movement out of the bowel. It absorbs moisture and increases stool size, softening it and making it easier for it to move through the intestine and colon. Mucilage is beneficial to health because;
  • It lowers blood cholesterol levels by preventing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.
  • It lowers blood sugar levels by regulating the absorption of carbohydrates and preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.
  • It has laxative properties.
  • It helps to regulate bowel movement.
  • It prevents constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • It treats inflammation of the intestinal tract and inflammatory conditions of the digestive system.
  • It alleviates cramping.
  • Mucilage regulates acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Mucilage removes waste and toxins out of the colon.
  • It protects against inflammation of all mucous membranes.

Mucilages can be used to heal internally as demulcents and topically as emollients because they hydrate, soothe, soften and heal the skin and other tissues. Mucilage is used to treat numerous skins, hair and scalp like dryness, cracks, ulcers, inflammation, etc.

Most of our traditional foods are usually in their natural forms with minimal processing when consumed. This means that most of their nutrients and fiber are still present, which is the best way to eat food. Some health issues develop when we start to eat foods that have been highly processed with most of their fiber and other beneficial nutrients removed. We need to go back to eating more of what our forefathers ate for better health.

There are other foods that are rich in mucilage which are eaten in
Africa, which are not usually mentioned in most write ups. Let us know the names of those that you know about below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Get Rid Of Dental Ailments Fast With Alum.

Alum is one of those ingredients that you should have handy because it has so many uses. Alum has antibacterial, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it very effective for treating most oral hygiene issues like;
  • Gum infections and inflammation.
  • Mouth ulcers.
  • Lip ulcers.
  • Toothache.
  • Bad breath and mouth odour.
  • Teeth discolouration.
  • Bleeding gums.

Dental cavities, plaque and tooth decay are the most common causes of tooth infections and gum disease, which can lead to pain and swelling of the face.

Using alum for oral hygiene is easy, cheap and effective. Alum will help in the following ways;
  • Stop the growth of bacteria.
  • Stop the gums from bleeding.
  • Stop the formation of pus and abscesses.
  • Reduce swelling and pain.
  • Allow faster healing.
  • Whiten the teeth.

The following are simple ways to use alum for oral health;
  1. Dissolve some alum in water and strain. Use some to gargle or rinse your mouth 2-3 times daily. You can also add some salt to the alum solution. Salt also has anti-bacterial properties.
  2. Grind some alum into powder and use to brush your teeth twice daily. You may use this after using your regular toothpaste or with your toothpaste.

So, get rid of that toothache and sores fast with alum. Leave your comment or question below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Use Herbs and Herbal Products Safely and Smartly.

Herb and herbal products are being used increasingly by people to manage health issues or just for
wellness and the concern most people have now is what is safe and at what quantity. More and more people are turning to herbal preparations to deal with chronic inflammatory conditions and numerous chronic diseases.

Herbal products have been used from the beginning of time to heal and treat chronic health issues. Then individuals learnt the skill and methods from their family members or other herbalists, but with the advent of medicine, most of the knowledge of herbs and their uses have been lost, especially in Africa.

While herbal remedies have been used for long, there is lack of scientific evidence or official
information to;
  • Back their efficacy
  • Determine safe dosages and side effects
  • Interactions with other herbs, prescription medicines or over the counter medicines
  • Inform about their allergic reactions

This is due to the fact that little or no research is carried out by those who have the means to do it because natural products cannot be patented and as such cannot bring financial gains. So, most of us are left with finding information on the internet or from friends who have tried an herb or herbal product.

If you have chosen to use herbs for whatever reasons, play it safe by following the basic guidelines.
  • Find good and reliable sources of information on what you plan to use.
  • Inform your doctor or health care provider.
  • Start with small doses.
  • If possible, procure the raw materials and prepare your own herbal remedies.

Another concern is that of drug abuse. This is not limited to people using herbal products. Some individuals will go to any length to overdose on anything for whatever reasons they find anyway.
Most people overdose or use too much because they want a quick cure. Unless your condition is an acute one, healing will not happen overnight.

It is best to consult your health care provider to determine and diagnose the health issue you are dealing with, instead of giving yourself the diagnosis. A lot of health issues present the same symptoms and you may end up with making your condition worse.

A lot of herbs have several healing properties, so have a good knowledge of the properties of your
herb before using so that you can avoid a condition you do not want to deal with.

Herbs have different methods of preparation which will affect the concentration of active components and the manner it will be used. For more on how to prepare herbal remedies safely, read here, here and here.

If you are pregnant, it is best to avoid herbs in the first three months. Opt for foods, vegetables and fruits that will give healthy nutritional values. Some herbs may stimulate the uterus and adversely affect the growing foetus.

Herbs are safe, cheap and effective when used properly and are usually without horrendous side effects. Just be smart so that you don’t misuse them, get discouraged and miss out on their fantastic healing properties.

Please share good tips and effective remedies below or by email to Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Adequate Sleep Is A Key Component Of Good Health.

Good sleep is very important to good health because that is the way nature designed it. Back in the days when there was limited entertainment or activities beyond 9 or 10 in the night, people suffered less from insomnia and its health effects. These days with so much entertainment around, gadgets that we can sleep with, social networks to be involved in and energy drinks to keep us awake, we are robbing ourselves of good sleep. Everyone has experienced feelings of awfulness if they have not had enough sleep.
Good sleep improves your physical, mental and psychological health. Good sleep, healthy eating and
regular exercise regime are the three basic components of good health. Getting enough sleep does the following;
  • Boosts mood
  • Benefits the heart
  • Improves memory and cognition
  • Boosts your immunity
  • Regulates metabolism
  • Gives a feeling of happiness and satisfaction
  • Makes you feel relaxed
  • Gives good quality of life
  • Removes dark circles from under the eyes

Chronic lack of adequate sleep has been linked to several health issues. No one needs to tell another about the effects of sleep deprivation or the benefits of adequate sleep. We all know it by experience, but we just ignore what our bodies tell us most of the time until the body breaks down completely.

Take good care of yourself by making sure you get between 7-9 hours of sleep every night. If you are doing the night shift, catch up adequately during the day. You can’t beat or cheat nature.

Leave your comments and questions below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

The Health Benefits That You Gain From Using Mango Leaves.

Mangoes are delicious fruits that almost everyone knows about and they have wonderful health
benefits. Other parts of the mango tree have healing properties too, including the leaves.
Mango leaves are rich sources of;
  • Vitamin A, C and some B complex vitamins.
  • Flavonoids, anthocyanins, phenols and other active components with antioxidant properties.
  • They also contain alkaloids, caffeine, tannins and oxalates.

Mango leaves have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hypotensive, hypoglycemic and
astringent properties which make them ideal to be used in the following ways for promoting good health and healing;
  1. To lower blood pressure.
  2. To lower blood sugar levels.
  3. To treat diarrhea.
  4. To treat respiratory tract infections and inflammatory diseases like cough, bronchitis, sore throat, asthma,
  5. For oral health, gum infections and diseases of the mouth.
  6. To reduce excessive bleeding and hemorrhage.
  7. To break down and flush out bladder, kidney and gallstones.
  8. To treat stomach disorders and gastrointestinal infections including dysentery.
  9. To treat ear ache, inflammation and infection.
  10. To reduce insomnia and feelings of anxiety.
  11. To treat varicose veins because some of the active compounds strengthen delicate blood vessels.
  12. Mango leaves are used to provide relief from burns. They are also used to treat skin irritations and issues like rashes, eczema, psoriasis, insect bites and stings etc.  
  13. Mango leaves are also said to be good for treating vascular issues arising from diabetes disease.
  14. Mango leaves are used to aid digestion.
  15. Mango leaves are used to treat some female reproductive organ issues and as a contraceptive.

Mango leaves are prepared by;
  • Soaking some clean dry leaves in water overnight.
  • Boiling fresh or dry leaves into tea.
  • Juicing the fresh tender leaves
  • Dried leaves are made into powder.
  • Making a pulp from the leaves

Mango leaves are safe to use in small quantities and like so many natural products, it is best to start
small and consider your outcomes before making adjustments. Mango leaves are almost free if you live in Africa, Asia and other tropical regions where they grow plentifully.

Let’s hear from you if you have used mango leaves to provide healing for yourself. Let’s know what you have used it for and how below. Follow on Twitter for updates @heal2bwell.

Simple and Cheap Remedies That Remove Body Odour Effectively

Body odour is offensive and unpleasant to those who perceive it while it is embarrassing to those who have it. Even though there are many nice-smelling remedies out there that one can buy to reduce or cover the odour, it still persists. 

The best remedy for getting rid of a nasty body odour is to remove the underlying cause first and then
have a good hygiene practice for body care in place. Sweat by itself has no smell but creates moisture and warmth, two of the ingredients needed by bacteria and other microbes to grow.

The most common cause of body odour is odour-causing bacteria which grow when excessive sweating create a moist environment for them to grow. Other causes are hormonal changes, hot weather, obesity, poor diet and general poor hygiene.

The first remedy would be is to bath or shower more than once a day if you sweat a lot with remedies or soaps with antiseptic or antimicrobial properties. This will;
  • Kill the microbes that cause odour
  • Stop the accumulation of sweat on your body
  • Remove the environment for the growth of bacteria which cause odour.

Here are some effective remedies for this purpose;

  • Neem or dogonyaro leaves infusion is a very effective remedy for removing body odour. Simply boil some neem leaves and mix some in your bath water. Neem has a lot of healing properties including antiseptic, detoxification and cleansing ones. You can also drink half a cup of the infusion daily for cleansing and detoxification. Read about the wonderful properties of neem here.
  • Baking soda kills bacteria and removes odours. Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda in your shower water and shower with this twice daily. Baking soda regulates skin pH and makes body fluids alkaline which is unfavourable to the growth of bacteria. Read more about baking soda here.
  • Vinegar and apple cider vinegar which contain acetic acid with anti-bacterial properties. Vinegar has been used for long to get rid of odours naturally. You can also drink a tablespoon of vinegar mixed with a cup of water for cleansing.
  • Epsom salts bath detoxifies, cleanses and purifies your body. Add ½ to  1 cup of Epsom salt to your water for bath.
  • Wheat grass juice is high in chlorophyll which has anti-bacterial properties. Other herbs with chlorophyll are alfalfa, parsely
  • Lemon or lime juice in your bath water also helps. A cup with your bath water.   
  • Tomato juice. Mix a cup with your bath and shower water.
  • Salt is a good remedy for killing microorganisms. Add salt to your bath water.

Other tips for eliminating body odour are;
  • Have your bath with medicated or antiseptic soap.
  • Drink more water to help in detoxification.
  • Use oils with antimicrobial properties like tea tree oil, coconut oil, lavender oil, neem oil etc., on your skin.
  • Apply powder or talc or cornstarch on your skin after your shower.
  • Wear clean or fresh clothes after each shower or bath.

Don’t live with unpleasant and embarrassing odours in any part of your body, get rid of them easily and cheaply.

Leave your  additions, comments and questions below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Get Rid Of Unwanted Facial Hair With Ease.

Unwanted facial hair is experienced by some women and this can be annoying and embarrassing.
Undesirable hair also occurs on other parts of the body like chest and legs.

There are quite a few effective home remedies for getting rid of unwanted facial hair but using alum for this purpose is the best to use in my own opinion and experience. This is because alum is;
  • Cheap
  • Easily available
  • Easy to use
  • Needs no special methods or efforts to use
  • It is very effective

A common and easy way to use this remedy is to wet an alum block and apply on the area. Allow to
dry and rinse off with water. Apply some natural oil like shea butter, coconut oil, sesame oil or olive oil to the area to moisturize the area and prevent dryness.

Another method is to mix a teaspoon of alum powder with 3 tablespoons of rosewater. Soak a cotton ball with the solution and apply to the facial area with hair. Leave to dry, rinse off with water and then apply oil. You can substitute rosewater with ordinary water.

Use alum every other day and if your face is drying out, increase the amount of rosewater or water to your solution so that it becomes less concentrated.

Alum has astringent properties and retards the growth of hair gradually, giving your face a smoother appearance within a few months of use.

Alum has a lot of other uses and benefits which you can read about here. Alum has been used popularly in India and Pakistan for long by women for this purpose effectively.

Have you tried a remedy for getting rid of unwanted hair that you can share with us? Please do so below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell.

Friday 18 December 2015

How To Eat White Rice For Health.

Rice is a common component of most diets because it is versatile and much loved by most of us. It is a staple food that is eaten daily by most people in the world. The most common rice that is eaten is white rice, because it is easily available and cheap.

Rice in its natural form is a very healthy food that is rich in fiber and lots of beneficial nutrients. The problem is that when rice is processed and polished into white rice, most of the bran, fiber and other health- promoting nutrients are removed, leaving mainly complex carbohydrates.

Most health conscious individuals are keeping away from eating white rice or finding substitutes
which are often much more expensive, not as tasty, not as versatile and usually not as available as white rice. Most people are still hooked on white rice despite its high carbohydrates and lack of other nutrients because it is delicious and easy to make. If you are one of those individuals who are sticking to rice no matter what, here are some tips on how to eat white rice healthily;
  • Eat small portion sizes.
  • Combine white rice with fiber-rich foods.
  • Combine it with nutrient dense foods.
  • Eat rice with foods that have low calories.

So basically, you need to eat rice with side dishes that will give you a balanced diet and taking into
consideration that rice is mainly carbohydrates. Combine white rice with servings of;
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Beans and other legumes
  • Nuts
  • Plantain
  • Mushrooms
  • Salads
  • Spices and peppers

Some individuals also combine rice with pasta foods like macaroni and spaghetti. This is actually not
a smart thing to do as pasta is made from wheat which is also refined. Pasta is not as healthy as rice when eaten alone, so it is not an ideal food item to pair up with rice for health.

A cup of cooked white rice contains about 200 calories with no gluten.  Eating white rice is okay, as long as you understand the right way to eat it for wellness.

Some Easy Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infections.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are usually caused when pathogenic microbes like bacteria, fungi and
virus make their way up the urethra and infect the urinary tract organs made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. UTIs are common and are one of the leading infections that people visit the doctor for and women are more susceptible to UTIs. The most common microbe that is responsible for UTIs is Escherichia coli (E. coli). Some of the symptoms of UTIs are;

  • Frequent urination
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Passing small amounts of urine despite a frequent need to urinate
  • Cloudy, coloured or bloody urine
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

A good approach to treating UTIs at home is to use herbs or natural ingredients which have anti-
microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Herbal remedies are also cheap and non-invasive. Below are some remedies;
  • Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Ordinary vinegar is useful in treating UTIs too. Vinegar alkalizes the pH of the urinary tract, making it unfavourable for the growth of microbes. A tablespoon of vinegar is mixed with a cup of water.
  • Baking soda is a good remedy for UTIs because it has a neutralizing effect on urine and creates a hostile environment which kills the microbes responsible for the infection. A good way to use it is to mix 1/3 teaspoon with a glass of water and drink 3 times daily for a week. A teaspoon is the usual maximum amount to take daily. It can also be mixed with water and used as a genital wash.
  • Neem leaf juice. Neem has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties and is used for healing a lot a diseases. The juice or infusion can also be used as a genital wash.
  • Olive leaf extract has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. You can make tea or juice from olive leaves.
  • Spices like coriander, cinnamon, turmeric, cloves and so many others have antiseptic, anti-microbial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can help to treat microbial infections and give comfort from pain and swelling.
  • There are so many other herbs with the properties needed to treat infections which can be used. Sour sop leaves, dandelion, hog plum and basil are some of the herbs with anti-microbial properties which have been used traditionally for urinary tract infection.
  • Consuming the juice of fruits and foods that are rich in vitamin C like pineapples, blueberries,
    cranberries lemons, oranges etc., create an acidic environment in the bladder and urinary tract. This helps by creating an unfavourable condition for the microbes to grow or thrive.
  • Drinking lots of water help to increase urination and flush the microbes out.
To avoid infections, it is advisable for to wipe from the front to the back after using the toilet.

Do you have a remedy or remedies to share with us? Please do so below or by email to Follow on Twitter for updates @heal2bwell.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

A Healthy Eating Habit Is An Important Component Of Good Health And Wellness.

Our bodies benefit greatly when we eat healthy foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. What most of us fail to realize is that the right eating habit is at the root of wellness and good health. Whether you are trying to manage your weight or trying to heal, you must commit yourself to eating healthy.

Attaining good health usually involves putting in the time and effort to consume healthy nourishing foods. This requires a long-term effort and commitment from you.

Healthy food choices will help you do the following;
  • Avoid excessive weight gain
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Improve energy levels
  • Improve digestive health
  • Improve poor health
  • Improve and maintain overall health

You must find a good eating plan that works for you by yourself because a plan that has worked for somebody else may not be the right one for you. Most diseases and weight gain do not occur overnight, so do not expect them to disappear overnight. It takes time, effort and commitment to reach whatever goals you have set, but you will attain them if you are determined.
Leave your comment, feedback or question below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Why Bitter Melon Is One of The Best Natural Treatments For Diabetes.

Bitter melon is also known as bitter gourd, balsam pear, karela, kakayi, ejirin wewe, alo ose, African cucumber and called so many names in different parts of the world. It is a fruit that has a bitter and sour taste. Bitter melon is used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Bitter melon has been used for a long time to treat diabetes and many other ailments. Bitter melon is effective in treating diabetes naturally because it contains powerful phytonutrients such as vicine, polypeptide-P and charantin, which help in the following ways;
  • Help to improve how the body absorbs and metabolizes sugar
  • Promote the production of insulin
  • Aid in proper blood sugar regulation
  • Act like insulin and increase glucose intake 
  • Make the effect of insulin potent
  • Aid in controlling the production of insulin, thereby aiding in the uptake of glucose by the cells

Polypeptide-P is a plant polypeptide which acts like insulin in the body. Some of the active components of
bitter melon have the same effects as insulin on the brain and suppress appetite.

Bitter melon is juiced or made into tea when being used to treat diabetes. A good recipe is to grate one bitter melon fruit and boil in water with a pinch of salt and some grated turmeric or turmeric powder. Leave the mixture overnight and drink some first thing in the morning, especially on an empty stomach.

Because bitter melon lowers blood glucose levels, it is advisable to monitor your blood sugar levels while taking bitter melon to avoid hypoglycemia which has adverse effects on health. When using other medications for lowering blood sugar levels, you have to be careful about consuming bitter melon too, in order to avoid hypoglycemia.

Bitter melon is used for other medicinal purposes because of its potent phytonutrients and nutritional values. Dietary changes and a good fitness program should be part of a healing program when trying to reverse chronic diseases and conditions. Using drugs and herbs may only help to reduce or control your symptoms.

Please leave your comments and questions below. Follow on Twitter for updates on heal2bwell.

Monday 14 December 2015

Tamarind Health Benefits.

The tamarind tree is called Tamarindus indica and is indigenous to parts of Asia, Africa and South
America. Tamarind grows mainly in the Northern part of Nigeria and is called Tsamiya. Tamarind has fruit pods with brown pulp covered by hard shells. The fruit pulp has a sour taste and is usually used as medicine, in cooking or eaten raw. Below are some of the nutritive values of tamarind and some of the health properties;
  • Tamarind has valuable nutritional values and contains phytonutrients with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and other properties that promote good health.
  • Tamarind contains vitamins like niacin, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin A and C. Vitamins A and C are antioxidants.
  • It contains minerals like selenium, copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Potassium helps to reduce blood pressure levels.
  • Tamarind is rich in dietary fiber like mucilage, pectin, tannins and gums. Fiber aids in reducing blood cholesterol levels and digestion.
  • Tamarind is rich in hydroxycitric acid (HCA) and tartaric acid. Tartaric acid is an antioxidant.

Some health benefits of tamarind.
  1. It is a mild laxative and digestive aid.
  2. It helps to lower blood pressure. It also promotes heart health.
  3. It helps to lower blood cholesterol level.
  4. It helps to regulate blood sugar. This allows it to be useful in managing diabetes and weight.
  5. It promotes weight loss by suppressing appetite. HCA also promotes weight loss by inhibiting an enzyme which helps the body to store fat.
  6. It reduces the aging process and reduces the risk of chronic diseases because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. It boosts the immune system and purifies the blood.
  8. Tamarind stimulates bile and is used to treat liver, stomach and gallbladder disorders.
  9. Tamarind is used to treat disorders of the eyes like conjunctivitis and dry eyes. It also promotes eye health.
  10. It is used to treat skin disorders like itches, boils, rashes etc.
  11. It is used to treat hemorrhoids, ulcers and to expel worms.
  12. Tamarind promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.
  13. Tamarind is used to fade stretch marks and cellulite.

Tamarind is widely used in cooking as a flavouring agent because of its sweet and sour taste. It is also
used to make beverage drinks and as an emulsifying agent in pharmaceutical products like syrups.

Like so many fruits, tamarind is food that is packed full of goodness for your health. Most of us do not realize that foods are the greatest healers.

Please leave your comments, questions and any additions about tamarind below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Why Eating Kenkey Is Healthy.

Kenkey is a popular staple food among the Ga, Ewe and Akan peoples of West Africa. It is made from fermented corn dough and served with sauces, peppers, onions, meat, fish or shrimps. It is also called kormi and dorkunu and is now eaten by other peoples in parts Africa and the world.

The only raw material kenkey is whole corn grains that are fermented and cooked, so kenkey has almost all the nutritive values and health benefits of corn and also those supplied by fermentation.

Corn has complex carbohydrates, low protein, low fat and high fiber content. It is rich in vitamins A,
C, E, K, B vitamins like pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folates. It has high contents of minerals like phosphorus, manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium and iron. Corn also has antioxidants and phytochemicals like lutein, zeaxanthin, anthocyanin, caffeic acid, vanillic acid, protocatechinic acid, syringic acid, beta-carotene, coumaric acid, ferulic acid etc. Below are the health benefits of corn and fermentation;
  • Corn has an impressive combination of antioxidants and phytochemicals which help to protect the body from oxidative stress or the ravages of free radicals. These in turn protect the body from heart disease, diabetes and cancer.  It also helps to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower blood pressure. Some of these antioxidants help in eye health. This antioxidant activity is increased when corn is cooked.
  • Corn has a high level of fiber which aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar. This helps in protecting against constipation and hemorrhoids. It also helps to fight fat by reducing blood cholesterol levels. Fiber also has benefits for heart health and digestive system functions.
  • Fermentation preserves food and creates beneficial enzymes and various strains of probiotics.
  • Fermentation makes nutrients in food more available to the body and reduces the anti-nutrient properties of food.
  • Fermented foods strengthen and support our digestive and immune system. They contribute beneficially to the intestine and overall health.

Apart from the benefits offered by corn and fermentation, kenkey is also eaten with other food materials that offer wonderful health benefits. To really perfect the consumption of kenkey and other whole corn foods, it will be good to reduce the amount eaten because of their high caloric content and instead, substitute some amount with fruits and vegetables. Kenkey is a perfecty healthy meal when eaten in moderation, so enjoy.

Do you have healthy foods recipes to share? Please do so below. You can follow for updates on Twitter @heal2bwell.

What Stops Us From Making Fruit Juices At Home?

Fruit juices are naturally contained in fruits and are obtained by simply squeezing fruits by hand or
through mechanical means. Most of the fruits juices we drink these days are packaged beverages  that are made from concentrates, sugars, additives, water, artificial colouring, flavouring and preservatives. At the end of processing, what we are getting is mostly synthetic.

Fruits are packed with vitamins, fiber, minerals and other phytonutrients which promote wellness and good health to the body. Most of these health promoting nutrients are missing in packaged juices. The juices that make at home will have the real taste and flavour of the fruits without additives so; you are sure of what you are getting unlike what you have no idea of the real ingredients.

There is no big deal to making your own juice. Juices are one of the easiest beverages to prepare, it is time to start wondering why we are choosing synthetic unhealthy beverages over natural ones.

Nowadays we take better care of our finances and other money matters than our health, which is our
real wealth, until it is too late or almost.  We have walked so far away from natural methods of achieving good health and disease prevention mainly through our food choices. We need to go back to achieving optimal health through food and better lifestyle choices. Our forefathers lived better and healthier lives on less.

You do not need any special equipment or recipes to make your own nutrition rich juice, your hands or simple kitchen equipment will do. You can mix the juice of different fruits and enjoy more goodness and nutrition.

Juices are great, but contain fewer nutrients than the fruit because some of the fruit components are lost or discarded during juicing. Most times, the fiber content is lost while you gain more of the sugar content. Despite this, your home made juice beats packaged ones hands down.

Let’s hear from you below. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

Friday 11 December 2015

What You Gain From Eating Watermelons.

Watermelons, called Citrullus lanatus, are a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, along with cantaloupe and honeydew. Watermelons are considered to be both fruits and vegetables with a pink flesh and an edible green rind. Even though watermelons contain about 92% water, they are actually considered to be nutrient dense, with low calories. Watermelons are considered to be highly beneficial to health because of the nutrients that promote health that are found in them. Below are the nutritional components of watermelons.
  • High water content.
  • Contains minerals like copper, magnesium, manganese, selenium.
  • Contains vitamins A, B6, B5, B9 and C.
  • Watermelons are rich in amino acids like citrulline. The rind contains more citruline than the flesh.
  • Watermelons are highly concentrated in lycopene and tripterpenoids which are antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • They are also rich in choline which is a basic compound that is important for the synthesis and transport of lipids.

Some Health Benefits of Watermelons
  • Citrulline is an amino acid which is converted to arginine in the body. Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide, which enables blood vessels to be relaxed, helping in lowering blood pressure. Citrulline also boosts the immune system. Arginine also helps to correct erectile dysfunction in men.
  • Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties that gives fruits and vegetables a pink or red colour. It helps to protect the body from heart disease and promotes bone health.
  • The fiber and water content of watermelons promote regular bowel movement, thereby preventing constipation and promoting healthy digestion.
  • Choline reduces inflammation.
  • Watermelons consumption can aid in weight loss efforts and diabetes regulation when eaten in moderation because of the low calories and high water content.
  • Watermelons are good for hydration because of the high water content.
  • Watermelons can help to reduce muscle soreness due to citrulline.
  • Watermelons promote healthy skin and hair because of the vitamins A and C content.

Watermelons do a lot more than listed above. They are an excellent addition to a healthy diet plan and are so easy and cheap to buy. Watermelons are not known to give any allergic reactions. Eating the rind and seeds is perfectly safe and healthy because they contain nutrients too.

Got something to say about watermelons? Please do so below. Follow on Twitter@heal2bwell for updates.