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Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Why Bitter Melon Is One of The Best Natural Treatments For Diabetes.

Bitter melon is also known as bitter gourd, balsam pear, karela, kakayi, ejirin wewe, alo ose, African cucumber and called so many names in different parts of the world. It is a fruit that has a bitter and sour taste. Bitter melon is used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Bitter melon has been used for a long time to treat diabetes and many other ailments. Bitter melon is effective in treating diabetes naturally because it contains powerful phytonutrients such as vicine, polypeptide-P and charantin, which help in the following ways;
  • Help to improve how the body absorbs and metabolizes sugar
  • Promote the production of insulin
  • Aid in proper blood sugar regulation
  • Act like insulin and increase glucose intake 
  • Make the effect of insulin potent
  • Aid in controlling the production of insulin, thereby aiding in the uptake of glucose by the cells

Polypeptide-P is a plant polypeptide which acts like insulin in the body. Some of the active components of
bitter melon have the same effects as insulin on the brain and suppress appetite.

Bitter melon is juiced or made into tea when being used to treat diabetes. A good recipe is to grate one bitter melon fruit and boil in water with a pinch of salt and some grated turmeric or turmeric powder. Leave the mixture overnight and drink some first thing in the morning, especially on an empty stomach.

Because bitter melon lowers blood glucose levels, it is advisable to monitor your blood sugar levels while taking bitter melon to avoid hypoglycemia which has adverse effects on health. When using other medications for lowering blood sugar levels, you have to be careful about consuming bitter melon too, in order to avoid hypoglycemia.

Bitter melon is used for other medicinal purposes because of its potent phytonutrients and nutritional values. Dietary changes and a good fitness program should be part of a healing program when trying to reverse chronic diseases and conditions. Using drugs and herbs may only help to reduce or control your symptoms.

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