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Wednesday 14 October 2015

Tiger Nuts Are Wonderful For Health.

Tiger nuts are really small starchy tubers from Cyperus esculentus plant. They are also known as earth almond, nut grass, yellow nut edge and chufas. Tiger nuts are called ofio or omu in Yoruba, aya in Hausa and akiausa or imumu in Igbo.

Tiger nuts were a popular snack a while ago in Nigeria. Back in the days when we snacked on real and healthy foods. Tiger nuts are eaten raw, cooked, roasted or grated and taste a little like coconuts.
They are still popularly consumed in the Northern part of Nigeria. Tiger nuts make wonderful snacks and food because they are highly nutritious and contain high quality nutrients which can promote health for everyone.

Nutrients in tiger nuts.
  • Tiger nuts are high in fiber and carbohydrates. Fibers help to regulate blood sugar levels. This means that they can help in the treatment of diabetes and for weight control.
  • They are good sources of proteins and essential amino acids.
  • They are rich sources of vitamin C and E.
  • They are sources of minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, chromium and copper.
  • They are rich in healthy fats which reduce inflammation.

Uses of tiger nuts for health.
  • They are commonly used as aphrodisiacs.
  • They are used to treat constipation and as digestive aids.
  • They have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • They are used to aid uterine contractions during labour and child birth.
  • They are used to treat flatulence and diarrhea.

You can make a sweet milky beverage from tiger nuts which can be used to replace milk to mix oatmeal, pap and tapioca for breakfast. Tiger nuts flour can be added to meals to add bulk and a good flavour. Tiger nuts can be used as food in so many ways for healing. We need to eat more of the snacks of our childhood. That was when most of us were healthy being obese or fat.

Do you remember or know about a snack, fruit, vegetable or meal from your childhood that you believe is healthy? Please share below or by email to Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell for updates.

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