Cancer has become one of
the greatest killers of mankind. We've been made to believe that without the popular conventional treatments like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, we
don't stand a chance to survive.
Even after one's pocket
has been emptied, the outcomes are, more often than not, unfavourable.
Despite the billions of
dollars and the input of the best brains that our world has to offer, cancer is
still killing us like flies and in millions. So what is really going on? Are we saying that
cancer cells can't be killed without killing or damaging ourselves?
The cancer treatments
that are available are too expensive, so harsh and too invasive. They take more
from you faster than cancer does and then leave you much more vulnerable
afterwards than before you started the treatment. One known fact is that
chemotherapy destroys both cancer cells and your healthy cells, which is why one
becomes vulnerable to anything, including the cancer cells that have survived.
So what happens to those
who don't have the money for the treatment? Wait for cancer to eat you up and
leave you writhing in pain while praying for death?
Many people are becoming
more proactive in their approach to treating cancer these days. There are many plants with the properties of killing cancer cells and shrinking tumours.
Treating and healing yourself of cancer is a tough job, but you can try instead of
folding your arms and living in fear or submission.
There is increasing awareness among people that some plants or natural ingredients have cancer
killing or tumour shrinking properties or both. Here are a few below:
- Soursop leaves and
- Hog plum leaves.
- False ashoka (Fashola trees) leaves.
- Pawpaw leaves.
- Mango leaves.
- Neem leaves and bark.
- Sweet wormwood.
- Lemongrass.
- African nutmeg bark.
- Wheatgrass.
- Bicarbonate of soda.
Healing is not limited
to drinking herbs, taking medication and supplements. Dietary and lifestyle
changes must be part of your healing protocol if you are aiming for effective
healing. Most diseases do not just happen because food and lifestyle are
factors that determine your health status.
Your medical
practitioner is never going to recommend alternative remedies or therapies
because they are prevented from recommending any treatment that is not approved
by your country Food and Drug Agency. Plants and herbs are never going to get
this approval because no big pharmaceutical company will invest millions of
dollars on a product that they can't patent and make billions from.
So what will you do if
you have cancer and no money for expensive treatments? Please don't fold your
arms in defeat and allow cancer to ravage you. Research properly on time for
alternative treatments. There are so many treatments that cost almost nothing.
Take the steps before your condition worsens and then you can't have a say in
what to do. The best cure is prevention. Fighting cancer is tough but you can do it or at least try!
Let's hear from you
about cancer survival using natural treatments below please. That is if your
story is real and can help someone out there. Follow on Twitter @heal2bwell.