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Friday, 20 November 2015

The Real Colour and Flavour of Honey.

Honey is a sweet liquid that is made naturally from nectar that is converted to sugar by honey bees. Honey is made in all parts of the world and is one of nature’s natural sweeteners. A lot of us wonder if what we are buying and using is real honey because the honey looks and taste different each time. The honey you buy another time will always be different if it is natural, unfiltered and unprocessed. Below are some reasons for the differences you see in honey.

  • Honey has so many variations in colour, flavour and texture because the nectar used is usually from many floral sources.
  • Just like flowers have different colours, aromas and tastes, so also will the nectar and honey be different.
  • The honey produced in a beehive differs from season to season, so no two honeys will ever look, feel or taste the same.
  • The time of year, temperature, climate and other climatic factors all contribute to the honey that is produced each time.
  • Honey has various colours from light, water light, light amber, amber, light orange, brown, dark brown and so many shades in between. Honey has no specific colour even when they are from the same beehive but at different times. The colour usually indicates how concentrated the flavour is.
  • Honey has so many flavours and can be fruity, spicy, aromatic, fragrant and medicinal with some having a slightly bitter aftertaste. So honey does not have a specific taste.
  • Some types of honey are light in consistency while some are thicker. This is because bees usually reduce the moisture content of the nectar to less than 18% when producing honey. This can vary between beehives.
  • Some types of honey form granules after some time due to the fact that the glucose content crystallizes, forming granules which settle at the bottom of the container. The more the glucose content, the more the granules.

Honey is usually made up of fructose, glucose, other saccharides in small quantities, water, vitamins,
minerals, proteins, enzymes and pollen but no cholesterol or sodium. The combination of these contents varies from honey to honey. However, this does not change the quality or taste of the honey.

Some vendors sell caramel syrup and pass it off as honey because this is cheaper and can be made in large quantities. Caramel is usually made by heating sugar granules in a container over heat until it melts and becomes brown. If you love honey, it’s better to have a reliable seller in Nigeria.

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