Rosy periwinkle is widely used for decorative purposes but has a lot of medicinal uses traditionally.
Catharanthus roseus has the following properties for healing;
- Antioxidant
- Anti inflammatory
- Anticarcinogenic
- Hypotensive
- Hypoglaecemic
- Antibacterial
- anti allergic
- Tranquilising
- Antitumour
- Diuretic
- Vermifuge
- Depurative
- Hemostatic
- Purgative
- Astrigent

- Diabetes
- Infections
- Menstrual issues
- High blood pressure
- Rheumatism and arthritis
- Eye inflammation
- Insect stings
- Malaria
- Memory loss
- External bleeding
- Sore throat
- Tooth ache
- Asthma, lung congestion and respiratory issues
- Dyspepsia
- Stomach cramps
- Intestinal parasites
All parts of the plant have medicinal uses including the flowers.
Just like a lot of plants, rosy periwinkle has a lot of medicinal and healing properties that we need to explore and use more.
If you have used Catharanthus roseus for healing or have more information about this plant and its parts, please share with a feedback.
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