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Monday 12 October 2015

Why Shouldn’t You Eat Eggs?

We are always warned not to eat eggs because of the high cholesterol level. Yes, one large egg contains about 212mg of cholesterol, which is high when compared to other foods. Contrary to what we are made to believe, whole eggs are highly nutritious foods which contain a lot of nutrients which the body needs and the cholesterol in eggs are also good for the body. You will find below why you don’t have to do away with eggs in your diet.

Nutrients found in eggs.
  • Eggs are low in calories.
  • Eggs are rich in vitamins like A, D, E, K, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12.
  • Eggs contain a lot of minerals like zinc, copper, iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus and selenium.
  • Eggs contain cholesterol.
  • Eggs contain high quality protein and all the essential amino acids your body needs.
  • Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin which are antioxidants.

The fact that eggs are high in cholesterol does not mean that the consumption of eggs will raise the bad cholesterol level in the blood. Here are a few facts to know about cholesterol and eggs:

  • The liver produces cholesterol daily which is used for many important functions such as maintaining cell membrane and the production of some important hormones and vitamins.
  • When you consume eggs, the liver produces less cholesterol. So eating eggs will not necessarily raise your blood cholesterol.
  • Eggs increase the levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) which is the good cholesterol and is linked to reducing the risk of many is also good for heart health.
Some other benefits of eggs.
  1. Egg fats and proteins encourage satiety which give a feeling of fullness and so reduce episodes of snacking and the amount of food eaten. This can help in weight loss efforts.
  2. Eggs boost mood and reverse bad moods.
  3. Eggs contain choline which helps to improve and maintain memory. This makes it good for older population.
  4. Eggs are high in B12 which helps in muscle contraction. This makes it wonderful for those involved in heavy work and those recovering from illnesses and injuries.
  5. The antioxidants found in eggs help especially with fighting diseases of the eyes.

The egg white is mostly proteins while the yolk contains most of the other nutrients. You miss out on most of the important health boosting properties of egg when you don’t consume the yolk.
Even though eggs are healthy, they need to be eaten in moderation. Opt for healthy ways to cook egg to reduce calories. You can poach or boil. Limit the amount of oil you use when frying eggs and use good oils. Eggs are one of the natural sources of cholesterol which is also used to produce progesterone. People dealing with estrogen dominance should eat eggs to help with balancing their hormones.

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