Cola millenii is a deciduous shrub or tree that is native to
West Africa. It is called monkey kola but is known locally as obi edun in
Yoruba and achi okokoro in Igbo. The pods are bright red in colour and have
seeds which are covered by a pulp which has a sweet taste and is mucilaginous. The
pulp is the part that is commonly licked.

The fruits and leaves of monkey cola have antimicrobial and
antioxidant properties. The plant contains phytochemicals such as saponins, alkaloids and peptides.
Some Cola millenii uses.
- Young leaves are eaten as vegetables.
- The bark and leaves are used to treat skin diseases like
ringworm, scabies, etc.
- The leaves are used to treat gonorrhea and dysentery.
Cola millenii fruits are not so popularly eaten anymore in
urban centers. They are found in rural markets and areas when in season.
Please share what you know about Cola millenii below so that others can learn more. Follow
on Twitter @heal2bwell.
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